I constructed the background hills and painted in the background trees in the normal world.Unlike the trees surrounding the ride that were to be stylised and creepy, the trees on the other side of the fence in the normal world were to obviously appear normal. The further away a tree is to the ride, the more life it appears to have, as though the ride itself were sucking the life out of the objects around it, in order to stay alive. I went through shot by shot, positioning the trees, making sure they framed the characters nicely etc, altering their attributes, to provide variation etc.
Cho framed.
Shot 2 trees.
Altering the trees attributes.
The simple hill mesh.
The season that I had always envisioned the film to be set in was early Autumn as the colours would contrast nicely with a twilight sky and the clothes the children were wearing seemed to fit this season. However adding colour to the trees was more challenging than I had expected them to be, for example, if I wanted to add more yellow, the tree would suddenly turn bright green or if I added green the tree would become multicoloured. The colour wheel apeared to have a mind of its own. I looked online for help but couldn't find any and Dans and Jake didn't know why this was hapening either. It looked as though the season would have to be summer for a little while, until I began to get used to the ways of the colour wheel, working out which colour was hidden beneath another colour. Although it was difficult to get the exact colours that I wanted, after a bit of time I got there. Maybe the answers really obvious.. if anyone knows, let me know! :)

I created a possible ground texture to use within the scene.

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