Saturday, 9 May 2009

Term 3- The Ride Exterior Textured.

Hmmm the images look quite small. If you click on them, then they should enlarge :)

I unwrapped and textured the ride. When unwrapping, I used the checker shader to help identify where the UVs were stretched etc so that I could ammend them. I thought that unwrapping the planks would be a bit of an issue as unwrapping them individually would take rather a long time as there were just so many. However, the planks were surprisingly less complicated than I had imagined. I took a plainar map, then in the UV editor window selected the UV’s of the bottom plank, dragged it down so you could see it as a whole and then proceeded to do this to each individual plank so that when I applied a texture to them in photoshop I would have minimal hassle.

As you can see, parts of the ride that would not be in shot were not textured.

Above we can see all the UV maps created for the ride, placed into thumbnails as well as a close up of the UV map of one of the sides of the windmill.

I made the textures in Photoshop, using free online textures and then manipulating them and making them my own. Getting the textures exactly right was tricky sometimes, for example a colour that looked right in Photoshop would not look right on the model, as can be seen above.

Thumbnails of all the texture maps created for the model and their bump maps.

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